
The VASCO TM nanoparticle size analyzer is a unique instrument for nanoparticle suspension and colloidal characterization, based on the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) .

Key benefits

  • High detection efficiency in opaque/dark media, as well as in diluted solution thanks to a DTC patented system
  • Extended sample concentration range (up to 40% depending on de sample)
  • Reduce sample preparation (no filtration or dilution)
  • Polymodal and complex sample analysis
  • No consumables needed
  • Solvent-proof sample cell

Technologies & innovations

VASCO combines:

  • Unique embedded sample cell made of a silica prism and backscattered light detection
  • Dual Thickness Controller (DTC) : patented system allowing measurement of diluted sample as well as dark / concentrated ones, without dilution
  • Flusher to remove dust and bubbles
  • Advanced Padé Laplace algorithm
DLS Vasco

Main characteristics

  • Based on Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
  • Particle size (diameter) : 0,5 nm – 10 μm
  • Sample concentration : 0.1ppm – 40%w/v *
  • Optical filter option to improve measurements on fluorescent samples
  • On-line sample cell option → size kinetics study
  • NanoQ proprietary software
  • Compliant with ISO 13 321 – Particle size analysis – Photon correlation Spectroscopy & ISO 22 412 – Particle size analysis – Dynamic Light Scattering